Pet Sitter or Boarding Kennel: Which is Better?

Busy lifestyle, fast pace trends and everything else run like ticking time bomb, which leaves people with nothing much, really, except, perhaps, leaving pets at home, sometimes unattended, others unintentionally neglected. Felines, for example, are left at home, more often than we admit, when the owner is away. Yet, we cannot guarantee that the poor thing is happy-oh-jolly at the given freedom. Then when we come to our decision if ever we will submit to in-home cat care or to a boarding kennel, we need to understand the advantages between the two.

Cat Sitting vs Boarding Kennel


The owner’s preference may vary but here are the crucial points to consider:

  1. Stress-Free. Pet sitter does not change the natural environment and therefore avoid pet stress. While boarding kennel the pet gets mixed with others unfamiliar to them.
  2. Convenient. Pet sitter is more convenient in way that there is no need to bring and pick up the pet at the boarding kennel and someone will look after the house while the owner is away, on the other hand, in a boarding kennel, pet owners have to spend time bringing and taking the pets back home.
  3. Hands-on. Pet sitter focuses on your pet at any given time, while in the boarding kennel; time is divided among all other pets.

There is no need to worry about the welfare of your beloved cats while you are traveling, attending endless meetings, and taking a well-deserved holiday because someone else will care for your pets while you are away. Nobody else could ask for more than that to have true peace of mind. What is even more interesting, which makes every penny worth it, is the fact that most cat sittings provide in-home care. The following are examples of in-home care given to your cats.

Why is it better?

  • Your cat will never feel the anxiety of being away from home even if you are not with him/her because he/she will be taken care of as if you never went away. He/she will be given food, played with, cleaned up, and as a bonus; the cat-sitter will even water your plants and bring in your mail.
  • Think about security. You would feel at ease knowing that your cat is safe at home and someone will also take care of your home while you are away, so to speak. It’s like you are paying somebody to take care of your cat and look after your home, too.
  • Forget the hassle of taking your pet to the hotel and picking him/her up on your return. Cat sitters will go to your place and take care of him/her for you. It means there is no need to rush. You can focus on what you need to accomplish instead, be it work or personal time. Technically, you leave the worrying to those who’d be taking care of your pets!

When it comes to the type of cat care, all you need to do is let the sitters know your preference and they will cater to your cat’s needs accordingly. The services normally provided vary but what is important is that your pet is given the proper care that it needs. As suggested by Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, “Selecting a trustworthy sitter is essential; choose a company that thoroughly screens employees.” While it is important to ensure that your pets are looked after, it is equally essential to look for a sitter that could provide the care your pet actually needs. Make sure that you have checked for referrals and peer reviews when it comes to the reputation of the pet sitters around you. Aside from the safety they provide, you know you would not feel guilty leaving your pet behind because it would be as if you are home, lavishing your pet with love and attention. Of course, pet owners would rather not be separated from their pets in most cases but there are instances when it cannot be avoided and sitting becomes the most viable option. Not only it is safe, but it is also convenient for the pet and pet owners alike.