30 Signs Your Cat Loves You


Cats may have these odd behaviors that we can’t read sometimes, but that doesn’t mean your cat doesn’t love you. In fact, cats show affection the other way around – in the most mysterious ways but the best! Check these out and if you experienced one of these with your cat, then you’re lucky. StaringYour […]

20 Of the Most Expensive Cats In The World

It may be easy to find or adopt a cat. But little did we know that there are actually a large number of different cat breeds that can drive you crazy in size and in price. With the astounding hundred and thousand dollars they cost, don’t be surprised if they can be more expensive than […]

15 Best Cat Breeds with Ideal Lifespan

Are you thinking of taking care of a pet kitty? Sure, you probably have many things in your mind that would constitute the best kind of cat in your household – cute, cuddly, trained, clean, playful. And most definitely, a cat that would be with you and your family for a long time. Given proper […]

Beyond Nine Lives: Taking care of our pets so they live long and healthy

Cat owners, or any pet owner really, want to keep their beloved animals for as long as possible. Live with them for many years. Take care of them as much as they want. Love them forever, truly. But also, life is not endless. There are limits to everything, but that does not make our wishes […]

Former Stray Cat Appointed as Chief Mouser

Cat as part of a diplomatic corps? One particular feline in the UK was appointed as part of their Foreign Officer roster. The newest addition to the British diplomatic corps, a former stray cat takes the job as the new Chief Mouser. Palmerston, named after the former foreign secretary and Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston, began […]

30 Purrfectly Timed Cat Photos

With the right camera, the right timing, and a bit of luck, anybody can pull this trick. So we decided to compile photos of our feline friends in their unique and “never repeated scene”. Here is the list of 30 perfectly timed photos of your favorite cat. 1. Perfect heart! I don’t know cats can be […]

How to Introduce a New Pet to Your Cat

Bringing a new pet into your home, whether it’s a new cat or a dog, and introducing it to your resident feline buddy can be a nerve-racking experience. It would’ve been much easier if all it took was a brief handshake and some name tags. But we all know that with cats, it doesn’t go […]

Why Declawing is not a Good Choice for your Cats

Our cats can be those cute little fluffy angels that we want to cuddle, but they can also be those nasty menaces that destroy and scratch furniture around the house. However, whether you own a cat or cat sitting for someone, you should already know that scratching is natural for them. For some people though, […]

This Cat is Bleeding Out Bad, But When You Have A Closer Look You’ll Find Why

A bleeding cat was seen lying on the ground. Red all over it. What are you gonna do? The best cat care facility near the scene would have been helpful and then one person answers the call. When she saw this cat bleeding out on the Patchway, she run for the rescue, but it was just dried red paint. H/T Honeyflowers

Need to Travel? Check out the Do’s and Don’ts When Traveling with Cats!

As cats are man’s beloved companions, they want to bring them everywhere. It breaks their hearts whenever they step out the door and have to leave them behind. Good thing though there are professionals who can be trusted to at least ease the owners’ minds that their pets are well taken care of when they […]

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