16 Signs Your Cat Could Be Sick

Let’s face it: cats are not just pets to us but we also consider them as our children. And as cat parents, we can’t help but worry about our precious little feline’s health. Surely, humans and cats are quite different creatures but we share the same ideal – getting sick is absolutely no fun at all!

16 signs cat is sick

From the smallest signs to the most obvious ones, here are 16 sick cat symptoms that would help you big time.

Sleeps too much

1. Sleeps too much.

Sick cats will sleep a little far too extra than normal. It isn’t just a display of tiredness or indifference towards human interaction, there might be something wrong that’s why it prefers to lay down and not move. However, to be certain, pay attention to how much your cat sleeps and keep her under observation. If there are no obvious symptoms of being sick like vomiting or diarrhea, but she keeps displaying tiredness by sleeping longer hours for days, it might be a very good idea to take her to the vet, unless of course you know how to treat a sick cat.

Temperature is over 103 degrees Fahrenheit

2. Temperature is over 103 degrees Fahrenheit

The moment you notice your cat eating less, sleeping more, and growing some unusual coat coming up at odd places, you definitely need to check her temperature. You can check if your cat is feverish by feeling its nose and ears. At normal body temperature, a cat’s nose and ears feels dry and warm. If you don’t trust your sense of touch and want to be exactly sure, you may use a rectal thermometer to check its temperature. Normal temperature ranges from 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If your cat’s temperature goes over that, then it has a fever; time to go to the vet clinic.

Odd changes in litter box habits

3. Odd changes in litter box habits

One way to help lengthening your cat’s life is through paying attention to every detail of her needs – even to his litter box activities. Take note of her trips to the loo and notice any strange or unusual behavior she might be showing. Is she having difficulty in pooping? Is there blood or mucus in her urine? Does her poo look weird – hard and nugget-like? If it does, your cat might have diarrhea. Sure, there’s nothing to worry about that but if it gets worse to the point of repeated constipation, not passing or blood in urine, you might want to pack your gears and take her to the vet.

Lack of appetite

4. Lack of appetite

Cats can be sometimes demanding especially when it comes to meal time. They tail you all day until you give them their treat. For that certain reason, you should be worried if your cat refuses to eat for more than 24 hours or so. That is a sign for multiple issues from as simple as nausea to something as serious as kidney problems.

Monitoring your cat’s food intake throughout the day might be too difficult for a cat parent who has to go to work all day, and might even have to stay out late. That is why there are in-home cat care services that could help take away, if not, lessen your burden of looking after your cat at home for you. That way, you won’t ever get to worry as much as you would if you were to leave your cats alone at home.

Change in drinking behavior

5. Change in drinking behavior

Same as the eating bit, the changes in your cat’s drinking behavior can be an effective sick cat symptom checker. Your cat’s drinking pattern indicates whether or not she has certain types of infections like kidney disease, overactive thyroids, and even diabetes. Both cases of increased thirst and disinterest of water are signs that something is wrong.

Sudden change in weight

6. Sudden change in weight

Although it might be somewhat difficult to tell whether or not your cat gained or lost weight by just looking at her, a weighing scale would be very much helpful. A drastic change in weight could mean illness. If your cat keeps losing weight abnormally or is losing body condition, there’s a big chance that she is suffering from diabetes or hyperthyroidism, cancer in the belly, or heart disease.

7. Change in grooming habits

If you notice that your once shiny and tidy-coated precious cat becomes dull, messy, and dirty –coated one, chances are, there’s something wrong with it. Giving your cat a bath personally isn’t really considered as one of the remedies for sick cat showing symptoms of disinterest in grooming. You can probably say that your cat is just depress that’s why she’s been shedding uncontrollably, but really, you cat may be sick. Showing lack of energy to groom itself is a symptom of arthritis. It may be because your cat feels too stiff and sore to clean herself.

8. Vomits several times a day

As a cat parent, you already know that cats do vomit from time to time as it is a way of cleaning their system. But several times a day is completely a different story. If your cat rejects drinking water and then vomits, or vomits after drinking water, better have her checked.

9. Cases of diarrhea

Normally, if your cat has eaten something that has upset her stomach, diarrhea would be a significant response of her body. However, if it already includes vomiting, blood or mucus in her stool, and she becomes sluggish, then a trip to the vet could make her better.

10. Lack of energy

Cats are naturally lazy and may sometimes have the tendency to just lie around a corner and do nothing. However, if you notice that your cat has been extra lazy, or lazier than normal, like it doesn’t really want to do anything at all, then something’s wrong with it. Lethargy incorporates your cat being in pain, or having fever and breathing problems. A trip to the vet would be the best action.

Breathes quickly and shallowly

11. Breathes quickly and shallowly

It is normal for cats to purr, and sometimes we even find it cute and all. However, quick-paced and shallow breathing should concern you because that is not the normal way for cats to breathe. If it appears that your cat’s having some labored breathing, you should take it to the vet. A cat’s normal respiratory rate is about 20 to 30 breaths per minute, and it goes lower when the cat is relaxed. You can try to check if your cat has breathing problems by counting its breath. For worst case scenario, proceed immediately to the vet.


12. Disorientation

Cats carry themselves sophisticatedly, thus the term associated by the fashion world, “cat walk.” However, if you notice your cat getting all clumsy, with its head tilting to the side, and showing dizziness, then these can be a sign of some neurological problems or even ear infection. These symptoms possess even dangerous diseases like high blood pressure, stroke, or even a brain tumor. If such behaviors are observed, take your cat to the vet right away.

Grows lumps on certain body areas

13. Grows lumps on certain body areas

One of the many benefits of grooming your cat is to see if there are any strange lumps growing on its body. It’s a way of knowing if something’s wrong with your cat. Most abscesses are harmless however, if you feel like the lump’s a bit too soft, you need to have it checked. While grooming your cat, you should also be aware if there are scratch marks that hides beneath its fur. Sometimes, scratches can go undetected and if left alone could become infected and could possibly cause blood infection.

Dilated eyes and excessive eyes and nose discharge

14. Dilated eyes and excessive eyes and nose discharge

This symptom can be very easy to notice because as an owner, you always get to look at your cat face to face and maybe even give her a little snuggle before going to work. If your cat’s eyes are dilated in a very odd way and remains like that for quite some time, you should go and visit the vet. Too much drinking and urinating, lack of energy, and dull discharges could mean kidney failure. Constant watering of eyes could mean she has allergies or a sinus infection. If symptoms are clear, go to the vet immediately.

Discoloration of gums

15. Discoloration of gums

Cats groom themselves every now and then. They use their tongue to lick themselves fresh and also to show some affection. A stain in a cat’s gums is a warning that it might be sick. Associated with that is a foul-smelling breath. A trip to the vet would be necessary if such signs are present.

Excessive scratching

16. Excessive scratching

Giving your cat a full on bath doesn’t really guarantee she gets to be clean throughout the entire day, lest she just stays at home and not on the streets.

Sometimes, you get to see your cat scratching herself, but if this gets too much, it’s a sign that your cat has fleas. This would be very easy to spot if you groom your cat regularly. To get rid of fleas, better ask your vet for some recommendations. Fleas can transmit diseases and can cause allergic reactions to both you and your cat. It’s better to take action before it gets worse.

As a pet owner, we only want to do what’s best for our cats. As much as possible we want to spend time with them for a lifetime that’s why we do everything to keep them healthy and well. Just like the team that does care for cats in San Francisco. They make sure that they relay to your cat the same love that you give to them by offering only the best facilities and playrooms that your cat would surely enjoy.

Keeping your cat happy and active keeps them away from bad diseases.

How about you? How do you treat your cats to keep them away from sickness? Share with us your story in the comments below.

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