15 Helpful Ways to Calm Your Cat

Owning a cat means taking full responsibility for another being’s life. One might see cats as inferior to humans but when it comes to taking care of them, it might actually be the other way around.

We as owners sometimes tend to put our own agendas behind and prioritize our feline babies. This is not because cats have quite a commanding presence, although they really have, it’s just that we treat them as a family.

For those who have no clue what motherhood is like, owning a pet might give you an idea. It’s like homeschooling a child; it’s got all the mess and fulfillment behind it.

Cats can be easily startled and as a cat owners, one of our responsibilities is to know what to do when they do. Previously, you have known how to stop cats from waking you up when they stay up at night. Now, you will know the most helpful ways to calm your cat.

15 ways calm your cat

1. Use a calm voice and behavior.

When your cat starts to panic, it’s never good to be alarmed as well. It might cause further ruckus or hysteria to your cat. It’s always advisable to approach the cat with sincere motives for wanting to calm him down. Such actions can be felt by your cat and she will feel comfortable once you try to approach and pet his back. You may think of it like talking to a kid or a baby, for that matter.

The softness and kindness in your voice will be interpreted as a sign that you won’t hurt him and that he can trust you.

2. Use food to make the cat come to you.

Just like humans, cats can’t resist food as well. Especially when the aroma is just too strong for them not to take notice. You may use toys as well but it may not be as enticing as food. The scent alone lures their noses and their body will just follow. And also, just like people, cats can be calmed when they smell food, especially if it’s one that they really like. So, if you restricted your felines with treats before, you might want to make an exemption for this kind of situation. Open that jar of treats and lure your cat to come to you so you can caress him gently and make him feel loved.

3. Leave the cat alone if it’s still upset.

Sometimes, you just can’t force someone to talk to you especially when they’re still mad. In the same way, no matter how many times you talk to your cat to stay calm, they probably won’t. In this kind of situation, it’s best to leave that part as it is and just wait it out. Let them have their own space to perhaps blow off steam if they needed.

4. Find the cause of agitation

There are different types of cat languages that you should probably know by now because if you do, you’d probably be able to spot immediately what’s wrong with them. As in life, when it comes to solving a problem, taking down the main cause of the trouble will probably do the trick. In order to do this, trace back the things that your cat has eaten, or the toys he has played, or the humans he was it.

5. Consider possible sedatives with your vet.

Aside from taking your cat to the nearest cat hotel in Bay Area, it would also be advisable to take them to the vet to get proper medication. Sometimes, the cat’s condition can be more serious than you’ve ever anticipated. During the moment, sedating your cat may quite well be the best option especially if calm words and gestures are no longer effective.

6. Stay with your cat but no cuddling.

It’s important that you don’t distance yourself away from your cat whenever they have a situation. Maybe you can just sit a few feet away from them, but not too far away from where they can no longer feel your presence. It’s kind of like respecting your cat’s agitating moment and let them know that you’re there for them most especially if they have questions.

7. Approach calmly and steadily.

When you approach calmly, don’t make it look like you’re going in for a sneak attack. Just make it like a casual gesture of getting close to your cat, but with reservation. Sudden movements may be misinterpreted as offensive actions so better be careful with the way you move around them. In these kinds of situation, you may want to have them enjoy a service of a cat sitting in San Francisco then they can have a fresh disposition upon going home.

8. Provide a safe and cozy environment.

In order to avoid irritation and aggression from your cat, you must give them the best care that they need. A safe and comfortable environment would be a great start. A clean and peaceful place denotes and clean and peaceful mind. Same goes for the cats. They won’t ever be agitated if their area in the first place gives them the utmost care and service that they need.

9. Keep your cat’s essentials clean all the time.

Hygiene is one of the keys to keeping your cats calm all the time. Just imagine yourself entering in a very messy room. Of course, you wouldn’t want to enter a room where you are not comfortable with. Same is true for your cats. The messiness of their litterbox or the unpleasant smell in the air might add to their agitation and aggression. You must be sure to get rid of any possible irritants that can worsen the situation.

10. Give your cat the freedom to spread his scent.

It would be quite a sensitive moment for you to deny your cat the simple pleasure of spreading his scent across your home. When they try to mark territories around your house by brushing their fur against every furniture they encounter, try to think of it as a pass for your cat and see the satisfaction and calmness on their faces upon their success.

11. Use calming essential oils.

Essential oils will be a great trick up your sleeves when dealing with your cat’s behavior. The smell will immediately create this soothing feeling not only for you but also for your cat. Not only will it make the room smell wonderful, it can also prevent any possible agitation signs that can lead them to react badly or negatively. Surely, these essential oils will not only calm your students but your class as well.

12. Play some soft music in the background.

If the olfactory aspect of calming your cat didn’t work well, you should try the auditory area. This is where soft and mellow music come in handy. Don’t play them too loud as it may scare the living daylights out of them. Just a soft melody in the background can do no harm.

13. Regularly play to reduce stress

Humans are not the only ones who can be stressed; cats can too. And your cats can’t reduce their stress alone without you. Playing with your cat regularly keeps their mind and body active and free from irritation and aggressiveness.

14. Use a pheromone diffuser

These products are widely known as calming or appeasing pheromones. These can help relieve the stressed pets because it mimics the natural cat pheromones and they come in various forms which include sprays, plug-in diffusers, wipes, and collars.

15. Use Back Rescue Remedy

This is somewhat a traditional way of calming your cat. This involves taking extracts of several flowers that are preserved in alcohol. It’s like creating your own essence that the cats will like. Such remedy is often used to ease the physical stress or mental trauma of the pets.

No matter what way you choose to keep your cat calm, always remember that all these are on a case-to-case basis. Of course, it depends on how well you have raised your cat or how well you’ve taken care of them. Just remember to be gentle and calm if you want them to be calm as well.

Mission:Cats knows how to manage feline and help cat owners to the best essentials in doing good about the fur friend. Give us a call to help you relieve some of your worries.