10 Tips When Getting Your Self a New Cat




Before obtaining a new kitten, the rule of thumb should be that it must socialize with people and domestic environments at an early age. Cats can be socialized in this way at a very short time; usually between the age of 2 and 7 weeks. Make sure that your kitten experienced lots of handling by different people at the shelter or shop. Untamed kittens don’t always associate themselves with other people, as it would be difficult to deal with. Check out some cat care facilities when in East Bay that can help you.

in-home consult service - mission cats

Your lifestyle will also be taken into consideration. How busy you are and the amount of time you spend at home will determine the kind of cat you should get. When you are very busy, you may find it difficult to attend to cat’s needs; like a lot of grooming and attention. Do some research! There are cats that are ideal for the working lifestyle. As you introduce your pet to its new home, there are important things needs to keep in mind so you can both adjust to each other easily.

The ten tips to consider before deciding:

  1. Time. Make time for checkups and immunizations. This can make your pet healthy and happy. Also, schedule it in to be neutered as soon as age permits.
  2. Privacy. Get a good litter box and quality litter. Covered boxes can allow you and your cat more privacy, and is easier to maintain. Keep the box clean, for your cat’s comfort and your nose as well.
  3. Food. Buy well-balanced, age-appropriate food for your cat. Canned cat food is preferred by Vets over kibble. Feed measured amounts of a good canned food and invest in a sturdy drinking container – cats prefer drinking straight from a running tap.
  4. Activity. Cats love to play. Rope, toy mice, feathers, string, and even empty boxes are great playthings. Some cat care facilities in East Bay provide fun for every type of cat – keeping them happy, active, and mentally occupied.
  5. Invest. Invest in a scratching post. Otherwise you will find your sofa or carpet shredded, or worse, your valuable stuff ruined.
  6. Training. Use treats and toys for cat bribery and training. Catnip and little freeze-dried chicken nuggets are excellent tools.
  7. Grooming. Start a grooming routine early. Allow your pet to get used to its regular bathing, brushing, trimming, and other pampering sessions.
  8. Sitting. Find a loving home away from home. While you’re on vacation, your kitty can go on a vacation too! Look for cat care hotels that offer quality cat boarding so you can go home with a happy, healthy kitty.
  9. Communicate. Learn to speak cat and use cat manners. Feline species have a communication system all of their own. They will use body language and vocalization to communicate with us. For example, you will know that he doesn’t want to be cuddled if he puts his ears flat back to his head and his eyes are narrowed.
  10. Rules. Maintain house rules right from the start. You don’t want your cat to practice behaviors that you will regret later. Allowing your kitten up on work surfaces will ensure that he or she will do it forever. So be strong willed and set your rules before it’s too late.

Cats are known to be independent by nature. And although some cats enjoy the company of other cats in the same home, they are not truly sociable. Keeping more than one cat, requires plenty of warm and comfy resting places, feeding dishes and litter boxes to make every kitty feel that he or she has their rightful share!