Former Stray Cat Appointed as Chief Mouser

Cat as part of a diplomatic corps? One particular feline in the UK was appointed as part of their Foreign Officer roster. The newest addition to the British diplomatic corps, a former stray cat takes the job as the new Chief Mouser.

Palmerston British Chief Mouser
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Palmerston, named after the former foreign secretary and Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston, began working at the British Foreign Office as the new chief mouse hunter, The black and white cat was once a stray cat on the streets of London before being rescued by Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. He was found by volunteers hungry, malnourished, and with no chip to find his owner.


One Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman confirms that Palmerston was the newest member of the HM Diplomatic Service and will take the role of FCO Chief Mouser that will assist them in their pest control and keeping down the number of mice in the King Charles Street building.

He doesn’t need to have an experience in foreign policy as long as he can chase down mice or rats like he was capable of will be just fine.

Its biggest challenge will be the elimination of rats of unusual sizes, with which FCOs are being infested with. Palmerston will join Larry (David Cameron’s cat in Downing Street) as cats with the diplomatic assignment.

The balance of the time is spent on how your cat chooses. It can be playing, brushing, or cuddling. Mission: Cats are there to help you carry the love to your feline friends when away.

H/T: BBC UK, Daily Mail UK

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